"The Falcon and the D'ohman" is the season premiere of the twenty-third season of the animated sitcom The Simpsons. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on September 25, 2011. In the episode, the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant hires a new security guard named Wayne and Homer soon becomes friends with him. "The Falcon and the D'ohman" also reveals the fate of the relationship between the characters Ned Flanders and Edna Krabappel that was initiated in the previous episode of the series, "The Ned-Liest Catch", that aired in May 2011.
Temporada: 01
Episodio: 23
Titulo: The Falcon and the D´Ohman
Idioma: Subtitulado
Tamaño: 175 MB
Calidad de imagen: Dvdrip
CONTRASEÑA: noticiasvideosymas.blogspot.com

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